
Community Transport LCC Consultation

21st of August, 2020

Dear stakeholder Consultation on community transport in Lancashire Like many councils across the country, Lancashire County Council continues to face an unprecedented financial challenge due to continued funding cuts by Government, rising costs...

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Parish Elections May 2018

21st of August, 2020

Euxton will have an election in each of its three wards, Euxton North West, North East and South - click the attached PDF to see the nominated persons to be elected from

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Future of Recreation Provision in Euxton

21st of August, 2020

This is an opportunity for Euxton residents to report on the quality of its recreation and input with ideas of what you would like to see in Euxton. In years to come the information gathered by this survey will steer future changes - so don't mis...

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Greenside Play Area Designs

21st of August, 2020

These are the Greenside play area designs which have been chosen by Council to replace the current Greenside area.

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Blue Bell Planting

21st of August, 2020

Friday morning 9am start and we had some 15 or more volunteers eagerly planting sprouting English Blue Bells on the Millennium Green - here are just some of the volunteers. They will all be continuing until they are all planted.

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