Bowling Taster Day & Bowling Meeting

Bowling Taster Day & Bowling Meeting

21st of August, 2020

Bowling Green rolling on
Work is now well underway constructing the Bowling Green at Greenside Recreation Area, Euxton.
Looking to the future of establishing an Euxton Bowling Club, our first step is to invite any residents interest in Crown green Bowling, whether existing bowlers or those completely new to the sport, to join us in some 'get together taster sessions'.

Get Together Taster Sessions
Sunday 10 am to 12 noon
3rd September
17th September
at Astley Park Bowling Greens

An open public meeting is also to be held, with the main purpose of forming a new Euxton Bowling Club for both Social and Competitive Bowling in local leagues - again, all welcome.

Euxton Bowling Club set up meeting
Thursday, 28th September 7.30pm
Euxton PC Community Centre, Annexe Room (next to Papa Luigi's)

Cllr John Bamber
Chair of Bowling Committee