Greenbelt Planning Appeal decision - off Dawbers Lane

Greenbelt Planning Appeal decision - off Dawbers Lane

28th of February, 2024

Planning Appeal Dismissed

The Planning Inspectorate has rejected the developers Appeal against Chorley Councils rejection of their planning application for 11 homes to be built on GREEN BELT land in Euxton.

The Planning Inspector says in one of his conclusions:

"It is not sufficient for harm to merely be outweighed, but benefits must clearly outweigh the harm. In this case, when taken together, I find that the overall benefits associated with the proposed 11 dwellings would not be of sufficient magnitude to clearly outweigh the totality of harm. Consequently, very special circumstances necessary to justify the development do not exist."

See the full Inspectors report here:  Local Planning Authority Reference: 22/00983/OUTMAJ - Inspectorate Reference: APP/D2320/W/23/3324581 Appeal by Metacre Ltd against the Planning Committee decision to refuse outline planning permission for the erection of 11no. self-build / custom-build houses and associated development (with all matters reserved save for access). Land To The West Of Gleadhill House Gardens, Dawbers Lane, Euxton. Appeal dismissed 28 February 2024.